Saturday 26 January 2013

Big changes

I've had a bit of a dry spell with my knitting recently, and this is owing to a big move! Decided to pack up and move to London, it's so exciting! But, now that I'm all moved in and settled, I dare say the old needles will be clacking soon again!
Also, finished the headband that I mentioned in my last post, will have to find it and put up a picture, but that ball of Aran yarn is still as big as ever!
Decided to spend a day next week looking for a nice yarn shop in London somewhere that can be my new place, as it's too far to travel to go to my old one.
For now, tata!
Ris x

Monday 31 December 2012

Sleepless nights

Couldn't sleep last night, so whilst trawling the internet at 4.30 this morning, I decided to look for a pattern to use up a HUGE ball of Aran yarn that I have, and came across this:

a nice headband/ neckwarmer that I like the look of, especially as I'm growing my hair, I need a way to keep it in check :)
I've done the increase rows, but need to start on the main body of it, doubt I'll get it done before the end of 2012! I'll upload a pic once it's done.
Ris x

Projects Projects Projects

Here's a few more pictures of my subesquent projects, I slowed down a bit over the summer, as i was busy graduating, moving home and whatnot, but I still got a good couple done!

I think one of my favourite projects i've ever knitted is some little shoes from an old peter pan knitting patterns book, and as I knitted them in red, I added some little knitted leaves to make them look like little apples! So cute!

What do you think? Fruit inspired footwear? The next best thing?

Ta ta
Ris x

Little doggy headband

Every knitter knows that feeling of finishing a project, breathing a sigh of relief, and then thinking, "what now?". After spending a good month knitting the baby blanket, I began to look through our extensive home collection of patterns (courtesy of a lucky ebay win!) for something new to knit. That is when, in let's knit magazine, I came across the cutest little headband! Here's a link to the pattern on ravelry: I have to say, going from a purely garter stitch blanket to a project like this was a bit of a big jump, but I think it turned out pretty well, I also deviated in colour from the original pattern, as I didn't know whether my sister was having a boy or a girl, so I knitted in gender neutral colours.
This project also gave me a chance to practice knitting in more than one colour and also was my first foray into swiss darning and kitchener stitch.
Comparing the two, how do you think I did?
Byesie bye!
Ris x

Everybody remembers their first

I've decided to go from the beginning and work from there.
The women in my family have always been knitters, and the skill has been passed down through the family. My Grandma knits, she taught my mum and my sister, and in turn, my sister taught me.
Naturally, my sister started me off with the basics, and persevered through my tantrums to teach me, but I soon took to knitting like a duck to water! Pretty soon, I was trawling the internet for patterns and I became a knitting machine!
The first ever project that I finished was a big old striped baby blanket, knitted all in garter stitch on a pair of plastic size six needles. I didn't knit from a pattern, so I guess I created this piece of knitting!  One day I just started knitting. People asked me "What is it?" and for a long time, I really didn't have a clue, I then changed yarn colour, and again and again until I ended up with a blanket!
I knitted this whilst I was in the middle of rehearsals for a musical as well so this passed a lot of the hours when I was sitting around!

The First Project
I also was looking into crochet at this point, and although it's not something I've touched into again, I am intending to tackle crochet by attempting some of the hats that are in the book from my last post, but more about that later! But anyway, once I had finished the blanket, I decided it didn't look quite right just knitted, so I added a single crochet border around the edge.

This blanket was given to my sister as a baby shower present, and my niece loves it!!

Ta ta,
Ris x

Animal Hats Galore!

So, anybody that knows me at all knows that I love, adore and WORSHIP any kind of animal hat. I have a growing collection that is just about to get a whole lot bigger!
I got some really awesome presents for christmas this year, but one in particular stood out as my absolute favourite, a knit your own animal hats book from my sister! I can't wait to knit them all!

Tatty Bye!

Ris x

The First Big Project

So, I am a regular reader of let's knit magazine, and in the most recent issue, I spotted a page about a knitting designer called Kate Davies, and in this article, found a picture of a pattern for an owl jumper. As soon as I saw it, I thought, I MUST KNIT THIS! So, despite some grumbling from my wallet, I bought the pattern last night and intend to make this my first big knit.
Wish me luck!

Ris x